Smash Battles!
August 23, 2016March 30, 2019Less talk! More action! The primary means of defeating your enemies in Super Powered Smash Masters is the SMASH BATTLE! One of the primary ways to defeat rival heroes is to attack them with smash cards. Just place a smash card in front of your attacking (active) hero and announce which rival hero you are attacking. If they […]
Gaming Bits – Preview Review
August 18, 2016March 30, 2019Thanks to Jonathan Nelson with Gaming Bits for this great preview/review of Super Powered Smash Masters! Here’s an excerpt: Super Powered Smash Masters is a light card game of super hero combat. The artwork for the game looks great. It has a very humorous comic book style that spoofs a lot of main stream characters. The […]
Artist Spotlight: Ron Frenz
August 11, 2016July 21, 2019Ben Lichius reporting again from the secret lab at Dark Unicorn Games headquarters and, boy, are you in for a treat today! Here we go with another Super Powered Smash Masters artist spotlight! Artist Spotlight #4: Ron Frenz If you’re an old school comic geek like me, then you know the work of master penciller Ron Frenz. […]
Zoe’s Zone – More on Ghost Pirate
August 11, 2016August 11, 2019Another of our earliest playtester, Zoe, is here to share her thoughts about one of her favorite Super Powered Smash Masters heroes: Ghost Pirate. But first, here’s a little bit of strategy for all you more serious gamers out there… Playing with Ghost Pirate The first thing you need to know about Ghost Pirate is that he’s very, very […]
Artist Spotlight: Dean Kotz
August 9, 2016March 29, 2019Ben Lichius here again at Dark Unicorn Games to bring you another Super Powered Smash Masters artist spotlight! Let’s get to it! Artist Spotlight #3: Dean Kotz Dean Kotz and I have been collaborating on different comic-related projects for a long time now and I’ve always been a fan of his versatility, style, imagination, and spot-on craftsmanship. […]
Ethan’s Corner – Crimson Crustacean
August 4, 2016November 29, 2019Today we’re bringing you a special video blog entry. One of our earliest playtesters, Ethan, wants to share his thoughts on one of his favorite Super Powered Smash Masters heroes: Crimson Crustacean! Crimson Crustacean is one of those unassumingly useful heroes. His immunity to the effects of story cards means that he’s often one of the last […]
Artist Spotlight: Jeff McComsey
August 2, 2016March 29, 2019Hey Smash Meisters! Super Powered Smash Masters has a lot of great heroes that we’re very excited to share with you. More than that though, we’re working with a lot of great artists! This is a series of artist spotlights featuring some of the smashtastic talent we’re bringing in to work on SPSM. Artist Spotlight #2: […]
Artist Spotlight: Don Simpson
July 27, 2016March 29, 2019Hey Smash Friends! My name is Ben Lichius and I’m the Art Director here at Dark Unicorn Games. Boy, am I excited to work on Super Powered Smash Masters! I’ve worked on lots of comic-related games over the last 18 years, but SPSM lets me do two things that I really love – draw super heroes and […]
Kickstarter Relaunch Coming!
July 27, 2016March 29, 2019Most of you have noticed that we’re off to a slow start. We are confident in our game, and we believed that it would succeed on Kickstarter by virtue of its merits. Now that we’ve reached the first week of our campaign and have not met our minimum goals for this milestone, we’ve decided that […]
Zero Issue
July 20, 2016March 29, 2019I’m Adam Cogan, the designer of Super Powered Smash Masters, and I have zero issues! At least, I have no issues with today. This will be posted tomorrow morning, but right now it’s around midnight, and I’m just winding down after this first very exciting Kickstarter campaign day. It took months of planning and game crafting […]