Happy Holidays from Dark Unicorn Games!
December 23, 2017April 10, 2019Hey Everyone! We know it’s been quiet on the gamefront from us for a while, but rest assured: We’re up to some big things! We’ve got lots to show and tell from Super Powered Smash Masters Land, and we’ll do that soon. But for now, we just want to wish you and yours a happy […]
Smash Mastering GenCon 2017
September 29, 2017April 10, 2019We came. We saw. We smashed! Well, ok. We didn’t quite know what to expect, but man, we had a blast at GenCon 2017. Here’s some pictures and video to prove it! Thank you to all of our playtesters. Your feedback was invaluable and we’re glad that so many of you enjoyed playing Super Powered Smash […]
GenCon, Expert Set!
September 4, 2017April 10, 2019… and so the adventurers returned from their quest, ragged and wearied, but richer for the challenges they had conquered, the monsters they slew (those were monsters, right?), and for the new friendships forged in the chaos of smashtacular battles. We shared the noble game of Super Powered Smash Masters with the world, and returned […]
Gen Con Smash Mob!
July 25, 2017April 10, 2019In just a few weeks, a high-level horde of fighters, clerics, magic-users, and nasty orcses will gather within the deadly halls of the Indianapolis Convention Center to attend Gen Con, and Dark Unicorn Games will be there! Gen Con is one of the biggest gaming conventions of the year, with a special emphasis on tabletop games such as […]
Power (Walker) to the People!
May 25, 2017April 10, 2019Hey all you Smash Masters out there. We need your help. And, no, it’s not what you think. We can’t decide what color outfit goes best with granny’s bionic legs. (Ok, maybe it IS what you think…). You can tell us what color you think is best by heading over to Facebook and voting with your clickety-mouse […]
Welcome to the Imaginary Friendzone!
April 19, 2017May 9, 2019Editor in chief:Hey, Adam – I don’t get this character ‘Imaginary Friend’. Are we saying he’s not a real person, or are we saying he’s only pretending to be a friend? Adam:I dunno. Why do you have to put labels on people, dude? Editor in chief:He makes no sense. What’s his theme? Is he magical? […]
Rock-a-gila, baby!
March 7, 2017May 26, 2019Ah, the South Pacific. A paradise full of surf, sand, sun, flowers, tiki parties, and deadly gila monsters. If you think that sounds like the perfect mix for another Super Powered Smash Masters hero, you’d be right! Take a look but keep your distance from the dangerous Gila Dancer! If you only have one or two mutant heroes […]
Meet Moth Mother (Before It’s Too Late)!
January 25, 2017April 10, 2019We’ve seen a lot of anger burning through the webisphere lately. A lot of terrible and transparent lies spreading around, and a great deal of moral outrage. We dark unicorns have decided to set the record straight, once and for all: the answer is no, absolutely not! Moth Mother did NOT actually give birth to moths, okay? […]
Root, root, root for your new favorite Doctor!
January 5, 2017September 13, 2019Now that it’s autumn (in the northern hemisphere), we’re falling all over ourselves to leaf you with a great impression of the latest Super Powered Smash Master. Please welcome the amazing arborist with a PhD in crimefighting: Doctor Deciduous! It used to be all horticulture and nuclear fission for this scientist with a passion for plants. But […]
Happy Holidays From Dark Unicorn Games!
December 23, 2016April 10, 2019The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in the hope that Dark Unicorn soon would appear! Would you look at that! Your holiday wish just came true! We here at Dark Unicorn Games want to wish everyone a happy holidays and a terrific new year! And what’s a holiday without presents?!? So here’s a quick […]