We just received an amazing email from our printer and it has us literally dancing with excitement! For your sake’s, we’re glad you can’t see that, but you can see this: Oh, it’s happening folks!!! We’ll keep the updates coming. And if you haven’t already, be sure to Pre-Order the game. Both sets are available. […]
For Dark Unicorn Games, this is the most exciting time of the year. No, we’re not talking about Prime Day (which we recently learned is actually TWO days–very confusing). And we’re not talking about National Lawn Mowing Day, which we made up, and also we hate it. No, we’re talking about the San Diego Comic-Con, […]
Step 3: Prototyping After I had identified a few different card categories, I jumped into Photoshop and put together some prototype cards so I could print them up and test ‘em out. I like to get to the testing part as quickly as possible. I have this vision developing for the game, and I’m impatient […]